
Almost There

So the Dot Com Dress is almost done. All I need to do is hem it and add buttonholes. I am posting just a picture how it looks now. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow (if I find some time to do it) I will post the images of the collar and sleeves sewing and the finished dress.

Hmmm... not even a very good photo, but time is spare right now!


  1. Nice! I like how the sleeve bands are ties.

  2. This dress is BEAUTIFUL! Well done!

  3. Wow, what a beautiful dress! Did you draft this one too?

  4. Thanks! That is so nice of you!

    Christina - there is even a tie bow but is not on the photo!

    Lauralo - I used the basic JJ blouse pattern from burdastyle. I refitted it and redrafted the sleeves and the collar. I added length too.

  5. It looks fabulous so far. I am a sucker for any fabric with a spot!!! Well done Geri.

  6. Geri, you was a wonderful dress, very trendy, really very nice correction pattern blouse. I like the details of the bonds in the sleeve, but everything as a whole is very creative, truth and furthermore, as we say in Spain, is adapted as a "glove". A big hug from Barcelona. Paco
