
A Small Dracula Update

I've sewn the most of it together by now. I will show some details on the sewing with the next post.
Off course there are some issues here and there.

First the front - I had to add darts to give it a more shaped look. The flat front was working only for the softer muslin fabric (so I learnt not to take a fabric with a too different stiffness for the muslin with no respect how ugly it is). I left the end of the darts open and created some pleats that way. I like them. What I did as a general mistake is that I took a bit too much away from the shoulder - so they look a bit too narrow. But I can live with this. What I don't like is the collar. It is definitely too wide and I am not sure if the rounding is good for the overall look. I will add a stand but I am not sure if a pointed collar wouldn't work better. What do you think?

Here you can see better that a narrower and a bit higher collar works better with the puff sleeve. The collar in the previous image is just hiding the detail.

The back: The darts still need some fitting - it still a bit wide. I didn't fuse the whole back as I did with the front. I think I am going to fuse the back to add some stiffness to it.

So all together there is no major drama till now. Only the narrow shoulders maybe.


  1. I like it with the standing collar (even though it's probably called by a different name). And I like that you called it Dracula. It's really a fitting name.

  2. This cape is turning out awesome! I agree that a little drama could be added by a standing collar (maybe you can edit the picture using the Windows Paint program and see how a different collar shape would work?)

  3. Geri .- I like his general appearance. The darts are a real success. With regard to the neck, I am with you, I do not like too because he takes his dramatico style. I personally would not neck, or maybe a tiny neck. It's hard to think of a style neck for this layer. A hug and see you soon. Happy week. Paco

  4. Hi Gery,
    I like very much this cape!
    The collar...you can repeat the collar of your "Coat Elisabeth".
    I think that it´s a perfect collar for your cape dracula!

    I´m looking forward for more updates!
