
Glory! Glory! Alleluia!

The first Geri pattern was made! I couldn't imagine it is THAT exiting! Helene did it. And the Schelling (you can see the other photos there) is just perfect!
She did the rounded collar that I intended to do at the beginning but let go. I like it actually a lot - she did it a lot smaller than mine and that really helped. She changed the shoulder area at the back too. Works perfect to me!


  1. Geri .- congratulations. I am sure there will be many fans for this jacket. greetings, Paco

  2. Well done Geri, that is absolutely fantastic.

    I agree with Paco that this cape will be very popular.

  3. I found both lovely! Just started reading you, love your blog & creations!

  4. Hi Geri!

    I like both models of your pattern. Helene gave her personal style wich looks great!

    I want to do this cape too, but in next season!

  5. This is so cool! I understand what you're feeling right now!!

  6. I think you maybe have inspired something: look at Yulia's gray jacket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWAuSqL0EL8

    I can't wait to wear it with skinnies!
