
UCO undefinied craft object...

My first quick sew in Berlin - it comes from a need. But it is more fun and a better surprise to leave you wondering first!

Weird, no?

Is it a bunny/house mutation?

Why does this house has ears!!!!

Hm is a 3rd grade craft project? I can always say I got it from my niece...

New house = New keys!

P. S. a stupid professional joke - it looks like a Coop Himmelblau project on the Nicolaus House...


  1. Cool key ring. Welcome to Berlin!

  2. heehee, that's so cute! And I was completely in the dark until the last photo, too... :)

    I like making my keychains with a pretty distinctive tactile fabric so that I can easily feel around for it in my handbag. Even if it's on a leash attached to my bag, I still find having a different "feel" to it makes it easier to find quickly.

  3. Yeah I can imagine that. I find that important. This is my first soft keychain... Kind of like the idea of a big soft thing in my bag.
    But it is a plain jersey. I just liked the colour...

  4. okay, THAT'S FABULOUS. as is your new banner...

    and someone has made a dracula cape!

  5. Thanks Oona for saying, I just commented it! Love it when people make their own version. It makes it even better!
