
The collar and sleeves tutorial

Sorry for not posting for a while but I am doing some not computer related work lately - very rare phenomenon when it comes to me - so I just couldn't squeeze any sewing time or even blogging in.
A small photo tutorial how I made the final part of the collar and how I finish the sleeves. At this place I must say, that the sleeve pattern is the original JJ sleeve. I just got too lazy to make a slit and all this stuff and opted for elastic.

The collar extension to the ruffle is a basic Peter Pan collar.

I didn't make any pictures of ruffle/collar attachment. Basically you just sew them right side to right side to each other and than turn them right side out. Sounds easy but is a bit of pain in the ass. It is better to do it before you fix the ruffle. I made the mistake to do it afterwards cause I decided on the collar look afterwards...

cheers and good luck.


  1. okay...i am going to try it! thanks for the info.cindy

  2. Geri great tutorial, thanks for taking the time to show us.

  3. Geri .- their images are always very clarifying .... thanks. Paco

  4. Cool post as for me. It would be great to read something more about that theme. Thank you for sharing that info.
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