
Happy New Year!

... and Merry Christmas very very late... I wish you all a very healthy and lucky 2009!

I haven't posted for while, having a lot to do at work and coming home too tired to post. Even too tired to sew a lot. I still started on a warm winter coat!
But first I got myself a new sewing machine for Christmas - it is a great improvement to my old, with all its small problems connected machine. I bought it by Amazon and they had a major price reduction.

I love it, cause it makes everything a lot easier - it even has a start/stop button allowing to sew some long straight and boring or just decorative stitches without the pedal. It has 91 stiches and 5 one step buttonholes. I always hated doing the 4-step ones, and my older machine made them awful.

On the sewing front I've done one blouse with the new machine. It is not perfect but OKish for the first try:

And the coat just needs lining:


  1. Geri .- ahh .... congratulations on your new sewing machine. He'll do very well, especially for the button hole. happy new year and happy sewing, of course.

  2. I'm getting a new sewing machine soon too, I hop I'll be as happy as you are.

    The blouse looks great. In most cases I don't think I would have liked the yellow fabric, but the black edges makes it so good! And the coat fabric is very nice too.

  3. Congratulations on your new sewing machine!

    Your blouse looks great and I'm sure it's beautiful on you. Cute edges. I love your creations.

  4. happy new year to you too. I love your new sewing machine!

  5. your sewing is already fantastic - will this machine make it even better?!!
    Congratulations and Happy New Year. Look forward to reading of more creations to come in 2009 ...

  6. Oh, noch jemand mit einer neuen Nähmaschine! Die hatte ich zu Weihnachten bekommen, aber bei mir hat sie nicht richtig funktioniert und ich hab sie wieder zurückgeschickt. Hab mich jetzt für eine brother entschieden, die leider gar keine Zierstiche hat ;)
    Liebe Grüße, Lyda (Polychromatin auf Burdastyle.com)
