
Major projects of the next 2 months...

This are the 3 main projects of the next two months. I hope they will go smoothly. The first is the cape as I said in a previous post. So far I drew the pattern already - have to print it and do a muslin.
The fabric is a hairy wool with a 10 % alpaca in it. The colour is navy. It is quite thick so this maybe a problem.

I made a small dummy while drawing the pattern so I can imagine better how the parts work together. It is a funny piece - looks like a garment for a half a Barbie...

I don't know if you remember this - the 80s dress - I changed the pattern a bit. I will show you later on how and I bought a muslin fabric. It is again a shiny cotton I got for 1.99 eu so I don't care that much if I will make mistakes. Not that crazy about the print either but it may turn out nice.

Another project is this jacket which I baptise an Armour Jacket - due to the need of labelling the different projects... I am a bit bad on the naming thing.
I have this blue gardine - a polyester wool blend of good quality. I love the colour.

But actually I think the first thing I will make next will have to be an instant gratification project. Something to blow away my resent sewing frustration. I think it will be a pretty simple blue knit dress (still very cold here anyway) made after the leg of a mutton pattern made by JJ.

1 comment:

  1. Geri .- many successes to your projects. I like the jacket so structured reminds me of the style of T. Mugler in the eighties (ufff. my decade). Paco
