
The JJ Collar

This is very simple actually - there is no stand and it is a one piece collar. It is called a half-roll collar and the way to make it I got from this fabulous website vintagesewing.info . Click on the image to enlarge it.

Explanation - a is the width of the collar that you choose for your design, b is the height of the stand you want to get in the back. You can basically trace this collar if you just put your pattern pieces on a flat surface and draw over them. The angle in the front is again free to be designed.


BCN - UNIQUE designer patterns said...

Geri .- First, forgive my English. I have to use a translator on-line to communicate with you. I want to thank you for mentioning my blog. I am happy to be your inspiration and to be able to assist in their needs. Very beautiful and highly original work that you do. Thanks. Greetings from Barcelona. Paco

Christie Wms said...

Geri, I lefted a message for you on burdastyle old site also, I am interested in the Dracula Cape download pattern...is there any way you can email it to me with instructions to cwopulence@hotmail.com. I'm quite sure you are getting alittle tired of going over Dracula Cape (in great demand)...It is a gem. Thank you, so much.