My camera batteries are running low and I just forget to charge them the whole time. Silly me. So when I charge them I will make some better photos of the top. It was a medium quick sew - I will say it took like 3-4 hours with cutting, sewing and topstitching.
The pattern is still in works and is meant to become a dress. I won't tell you what fabric I have for the dress and what the skirt part will look like to keep the surprise. And in the same time I still have some project unfinished that I talked about like the bwofy ( it is 30 degree outside and I just can't finish the wool jacket... not that motivated there...). So this time I will talk after I finish.
To the problems - I feel that the sleeves should be maybe a bit shorter. I like the neckline but there is a real problem with it. It is gaping and I get this with every square neckline I make. I am not sure how to fix this problem. Any tips there?
P.S. Oona that is my Jonny fabric - silk chiffon with black flower dots. Not the same as yours but same concept. I want to make the lining green or blue so I don't look like a flower bride...
1 week ago
This top is very cute! I like the little sleeves and this fabric is very floral (my passion).
If it's that the gaping is from the horizontal bit not staying straight, maybe you could insert a long piece of boning across the front inside? I think I read this in a Threads article about using boning in unexpected places...
Hm thanks for the tip, it is exactly on the horizontal.I think I read the same article in threads and I tried it with the leg of mutton dress - it just gave a shape to the gap. maybe I did wrong...
love it! especially the sleeves! yay geri!
yes, very cool sleeves!
and great minds think alike, one day we shall rule the world. till then, maybe we should have a little jonny sewalong? i am under the delusion that mine will be done by my august birthday.
oh god, oona I hope your birthday is at the end of august! But I love the idea of a jonny sewalong - lets do it. Otherwise I will never ever finish this dress I am afraid!
Agreed to ruling the world, but I need free weekend and at least 3 weeks holiday in an year.
the BEGINNING! the 6th, to be exact. think it's do-able? scared? i am. i'm challenging myself to do more creatively this week... i guess cutting out the jonny pattern will be on the list!
oh, for sure, weekends are off. if we're ruling the world, let's call it 3 months a year.
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